Disposable protective clothing according to EU standards/ Made in EU
Since the transport of pathogens organisms is promoted by liquid, is protective clothing the most important personal protective measure. RKI points out that personal protective equipment (PPE) serves to protect the helper and prevents the contamination from being carried over by people or clothing.
PPE is perfect for preventing highly infectious diseases due to exposure to contaminated body fluids in healthcare staff.
The "Protective clothing" subject area in the "Personal protective equipment" department deals with the topics of protective clothing as well as hand and arm protection. For parts of the body that cannot be covered by clothing and personal protective equipment, additional items of clothing can help: hats, hoods, gloves, overshoes, aprons, safety goggles, and mouth and respiratory protection.

Different situations harbor different risk potentials. In order to avoid accidents, PPE must therefore also meet the situational requirements. PPE Regulation is a European Regulation but it is one of the most stringent enforcement regulations.
Both the PPE Regulation and Directive 89/686/EEC list three PPE categories to distinguish between their degrees of protection. These are based on a grading according to the expected severity of the injury, which can be averted with appropriate PPE in an emergency.
PSA Kategorie | Technische Dokumentation | EG-Baumusterprüfbescheinigung | QS - Kontrolle der fertigen PSA | Konformitätserklärung und CE Zeichen |
I | ✔ | ✔ | ||
II | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
III | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
PPE Category I includes simple protective equipment with a low risk of health hazards and does not require certification but must be manufactured in accordance with the essential health and safety requirements of the Directive.
PPE Category II are protective suits to protect against hazards. Cat.II must be independently type tested by a Notified Body to demonstrate that it meets the requirements of the applicable standards.
PPE Category III applies to protective equipment used against deadly hazards or in the event of serios consequential damage to health. This category must be independently type tested by a Notified Body to demonstrate that it meets the requirements of the applicable standards.
For all PPE, the Regulation lays down requirements for technical documentation and CE marking and for the manufacturer to prepare and make available a Declaration of Conformity.